Oh man, I know February is the shortest month, but it flew by! Since this is my first month sharing budget categories, I am going to share my goals for March and go over some things we struggled with in February. At the end of March, I will post our spending in every category and highlight places we can work on. What happened in February? One of the reasons I’m hesitant to outlay all of our spending in February is because it was a very unusual month in terms of budgeting for us. In December, I had an ileostomy for […]
getting out of debt: the first step to financial freedom
When considering the path to financial independence, one of the first steps is addressing any debts your family may have. Many debts have high interest rates, much higher than average market returns, so paying off debts is a great use of allocating funds before investing for retirement. As a general rule, the recommendation is usually to pay off any debts bearing an interest rate higher than 4%. Your risk tolerance may be higher or lower, but I usually stick to this rule. As it stands, we currently have a loan for my vehicle at 1.74%; anything higher than 3%, I […]